
Summer Insurance

The popularity of insurance types can vary depending on various factors, including seasonal changes and individual needs. In the summer season, some insurance types tend to be more commonly sought after due to specific activities and risks associated with this time of year.

The popularity of insurance types can vary depending on various factors, including seasonal changes and individual needs. In the summer season, some insurance types tend to be more commonly sought after due to specific activities and risks associated with this time of year.

Travel Insurance

 During the summer, many people go on vacations, travel, or participate in outdoor activities. Travel insurance becomes popular as it provides coverage for trip cancellations, lost baggage, medical emergencies, and other unexpected events that can occur during travel.

Auto Insurance

With more people going on road trips and participating in summer activities, auto insurance is a necessity to protect against accidents and damages that may occur while driving.

Home Insurance

Summer can bring extreme weather conditions like storms, hurricanes, and wildfires, making home insurance crucial for homeowners to protect their properties from potential damages.

Watercraft Insurance

Boating and water activities are popular in the summer, making watercraft insurance important for owners of boats, jet skis, and other watercraft to safeguard against accidents and liabilities.

Motorcycle Insurance

Motorcycle enthusiasts often take advantage of the warm weather to ride during the summer months, making motorcycle insurance essential for protection while on the road.


It's important to note that insurance needs can vary based on individual circumstances and geographical locations. Before purchasing any insurance policy, it's advisable to assess your specific needs and consult with insurance professionals to determine the most appropriate coverage for your situation.

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Our team is here to help you out with any questions you may have.

The G.A.P. Vassilopoulos acts as Brokers through their well-established relationships with international ‘A’ Rated insurers’ as well as the local Cyprus market can cater for a wide range of insurance products.

Drop us an email through our website or feel free to contact us at 77 77 77 75 to compare and select the most appropriate insurance policy with our specialized G.A.P. Insurance Agency whom will respond promptly to your needs.